









                     ACADEMIC  YEARS

    Prof. Avirupa Chatterjee

      1st Year (1st and 2nd Semesters), LL.M Part-I

    Prof. Dipanwita Datta Deb

      2nd Year (3rd and 4th Semesters), LL.M Part-II

   Prof. Moumi Banerjee

                  3rd Year (5th and 6th Semesters)

   Prof. Diyali Roy

                  4th Year (7th and 8th Semesters)

   Prof. Subhra Bakul Karmakar

                  5th Year (9th and 10th Semesters)       


Role  and  Duties  of  the  Mentor

Mentors play many roles in the lives of the students, to help them succeed. A mentors particular combination of professional expertise, personal style, and approach to facilitating learning, influences the kind of mentoring he or she provides. Our institution lays immense importance on the role of the mentor in promoting the welfare of each and every student and thereby, shaping a successful future for them. Our aim is to explore and promote the students’ individual potentials with the help of our core mentor group. We have a highly-qualified and enthusiastic group of mentors, who work relentlessly to guide the students not only through their entire academic course, but also counsel them on the prospective career paths that are unique to their respective personalities. Our college has a comprehensive “role and duties” guideline for our mentors, who strictly abide by them. They are –

1.To supervise and guide students in completing all academic paperwork, as required.

2.To mentor students and track their academic performance, in an efficient manner.

3.Liaision with the teaching staff and monitoring classroom activities, as needed.

4.To develop, maintain, and review academic progress reports of all students.

5.To build and maintain effective working relationships with departmental staff, teachers, and administrators.

6.To plan, prepare, and implement student-oriented academic mentoring program.

7.To devise the yearly schedule for all intra-, inter-, national and international competitions and seminars respectively, at the beginning of each academic session.

8.To provide tutorials and present learning strategies to all assigned students.

9.To identify and utilize relevant community resources to improve students’ academic performance.

10.To monitor and review student academic progress in examinations, in a timely manner.

11.To author and submit all required reports, accurately and on time.

12.To establish and maintain cordial relationships with teaching faculty and student-welfare community.

13.Offering comments to reinforce the belief in positive potential for the students to grow beyond the current situation.

14.Acting as an empathetic sounding board for ideas and concerns expressed by the students.

15.Establishing an environment for open interaction and reflection.

16.Paying attention to the student’s need for direction, refocus, change and respite.

17.Helping each student evaluate appropriateness of career options in relation to personal values.

18.Recommending appropriate strategies for career direction.

19.To offer learning challenges and opportunities; encourage change when and where needed.

20.To inform the Teacher-in-Charge of any unresolved issues that concern the students and their welfare.







Prof. Avirupa Chatterjee.

Prof. Surja Kanta Baladhikari.

Prof. Amit Ghosh.

Prof. Swapan Pathak.

Prof. Imtiaz Ahmed.


Role  and  Duties  of  the  Convenor  of  the  Moot  Court

The Moot Court of Surendranath Law College is a committee entrusted with the responsibility of administering mooting activities. Mooting as an activity can perhaps best be described as the closest one that comes to being a lawyer while still in law school - it involves identifying legal issues in situations, exhaustive research in that area of law, followed by extensive written submissions and gruelling orals before a bench of eminent judges, in short, everything a lawyer is expected to do. The Convenor of the Moot Court has been entrusted with the following duties –

1.Planning, organising and executing the various moot court sessions.

2.To ensure the maximum participation of students in the sessions.

3.To organise extensive workshops and demonstrations to enable the students to learn the process of mooting  from the very basics to the most intricate details. 

4.To frame rules and regulations for the internal moot court.

5.To devise challenging cases, so that the students can be acquainted with innovative and improved legal methods.

6.To hold sessions which are based on current and exceptional judicial cases.

7.To encourage the students to inculcate a broader and unique perspective concerning legal matters.

8.Preparing the students to successfully participate in several inter- and intra-level moot court session competitions held at the state and national levels.



Role  and  Duties  of  the  Faculty  Members 

The teaching role of faculty members reflects their centrality in addressing the primary educational mission in our college. As faculty members, they disseminate and impart basic or applied knowledge to students and assist students with the learning process and applying the knowledge. In this construction of the teaching role, the teacher is the content expert, and students are regarded as learners or novices to the academic discipline or field of study. Faculty members are expected to follow developments in their respective fields, so that their expertise and knowledge base remain updated. The faculty members in our college are expected to be acquainted with new approaches to revitalize teaching effectiveness, which includes placing an emphasis on effective pedagogy and paying increased attention to the learning needs of students. Our focus on learning incorporates a broad set of goals for learners, such as students mastery of content, their abilities to consider and critique, and particularly in professional fields, the development of skill sets that enable students to undertake career positions. The faculty members of the college have been entrusted with the following duties-

1.The Faculty Member must strive to prepare himself/ herself academically to meet all the challenges and requirements in the methodology of teaching so that the input may be useful for the student community at large. Every Faculty Member is expected to extend his/her beneficial influence in building up the personality of students and he/she should associate himself/herself actively with such extra-curricular activities which he / she is interested in or assigned to him/her from time to time.

2.Faculty Members are expected to update their knowledge by attending seminars/workshops/conference, after obtaining necessary permission from the Principal/Teacher-in-Charge.

3.All the Faculty Members are expected to follow the rules and regulations of the Institution as prevalent from time to time.

4.Faculty members should attempt to publish textbooks, research papers in reputed International / Indian Journals / Conferences.

5.The faculty members are required to assign the students their project works, which will be to write Reactionary Papers and also submit the project topics to the respective Mentors and the Teacher-in-Charge/Principal, within a month from the commencement of the class during each session.

6.The faculty members are expected to submit at least three Departmental Seminar proposals, along with the budget and other miscellaneous details, to the respective Mentors and the Teacher-in-Charge, within 10 days from the commencement of the class during each session. The three Departmental Seminars are to be organized in each semester.

7.The faculty members are expected to submit their performance report to the Principal/ Teacher-in-Charge, within the 30th of November each year.

8.The Faculty Member should always talk to the Teacher-in-Charge/Principal and keep the Teacher-in-Charge/Principal in confidence about the member’s professional and personal activities and their teaching activities.

9.The faculty members are expected to come to the college regularly and on time. However, if, under certain circumstances, a faculty member intends to take leave, he/she should get the leave sanctioned in advance and with proper alternate arrangements made for his/her class/classes. In case of emergency, the respective Mentors and the Teacher-in-Charge must be informed with appropriate alternate arrangements suggested. In case of late arrival, the Mentors and the Teacher-in-Charge/Principal should be intimated the reason for so, as soon as possible.

10.Every faculty member should maintain student’s attendance records and the absentees roll number should be noted everyday in the Master Attendance Register.

11.The faculty members should prepare the lecture hour wise lesson plan, once their respective subjects are allotted to them and get the lesson plan approved by their Mentors and submit the same to the Principal/Teacher-in-Charge.

12.The faculty members should refer to more books than textbooks and prepare his/her detailed lecture notes. The Faculty Member should not dictate the notes in the class.

13.The faculty members should make use of Power Point Presentations, Models etc., as teaching aids.

14.The faculty members should encourage students asking doubts / questions.

15.The faculty members should take care of academically backwards students and pay special attention to their needs in special classes.

16.The faculty member should sign in the attendance log book every day after he/she finishes the lecture. The faculty member’s diary must be regularly updated and put up for inspection by the Teacher-in-Charge/Principal as the case may be.

17.The faculty members should interact with the class coordinator/ mentor and inform him / her about the habitual absentees, academically backward student, objectionable behavior etc.

18.The faculty members should always aim for 100% pass results in his / her subjects and work accordingly.

19.The faculty member should make himself/ herself available for doubt clearance.

20.The faculty members should motivate the students and bring out the creativity / originality in the students.

21.The faculty members should submit the Question Papers within the 15th of May. While setting question papers, the faculty members should also prepare the detailed answer and marking scheme and submit them to the Teacher-in-Charge/Principal for approval.

22.During invigilation, the faculty members should be continuously moving around. Whenever any malpractice is noticed, the Faculty Member should get a written statement from the student and inform the Teacher-in-Charge / Principal/University Representative.

23.The internal assessment test papers must be corrected within seven days from the date of examination and marks submitted to the respective Mentors for forwarding to the Teacher-in-Charge / Principal with remarks.

24.The faculty members should be very fair and impartial in their interaction with the students. The faculty members’ relation with the students should strictly cohere to the prescribed norms of the institution. No favouritism and partiality will be tolerated, in respect to region, language, religion, caste, status of parents, personal relations, etc.

25.The faculty members are expected to perform institutional services as required from time to time, which includes serving on internal committees and advisory boards, mentoring and advising students, and assuming part-time administrative appointments as program or unit leaders. 





Prof. Moumi Banerjee.


Role  and  Duties  of  the  Convenor  of  the  SC, ST, OBC and Other Minority categories

 Our nation has one of the most diverse cultures in the world. We live amongst ourselves with different religions, different castes and even different races at times. Our institution proudly upholds the motto “Unity in diversity” by respecting the dictums of the Constitution of India. Our continuous effort has been towards creating an eclectic student and staff community, where each student and staff can avail equal opportunities. We believe in promoting growth within a diversified cultural scenario, where each religion, class and culture are respected for their unique qualities. The role of the Convenor of the SC, ST, and OBC classes is of utmost importance in our institution –

1.To maintain the true spirit of equality amongst all students and staff and report any kind of discriminatory behaviour and harassment to the Teacher-in-Charge/Principal.

2.To provide continuous assistance for the progress of the backward classes.

3.To ensure proper implementation of reservation policy during admission, stipend distribution and other relevant cases.

4.To devise remedial or tutorial classes for the students belonging to the SC, ST, OBC and other minority categories.

5.To extend special support to the financially backward students belonging to the SC, ST, OBC and other minority categories.

6.To ensure that students from SC, ST, OBC, other minority categories and financially backward communities receive their scholarships regularly and on time.

7.Creating a grievance cell for the students and staff of the SC, ST, OBC and other minority categories. 





Prof. Dr. Mohammadi Tarannum.

Prof. Avirupa Chatterjee.

Prof. Subhra Bakul Karmakar.

Samujjal Chakraborty.

Ram Krishna Dutta.

Sourav Mallick.


Role  and  Duties  of  the  Examination  Committee 

The Examination Committee is the body established for the purpose of determining both objectively and professionally whether a student satisfies the requirements set by the Teaching and Examination regulations with reference to the knowledge, understanding and skills required to earn a degree. Our earnest efforts are towards making the students absolutely prepared for the University Examination and ensure that all the students secure excellent results. We are constantly trying to upgrade the pattern of the examinations that are held in our college, so that students can be evaluated with more precision and accuracy. The Examination Committee has been  assigned the following duties :

1.To hold examinations at regular intervals, in order to ensure the quality of teaching practice and the students’ grasp of the subjects.

2.To collect the Internal Examination Question papers from the respective faculty members during each semester, within 15th May and 15th November, for the summer and winter semesters, respectively.

3.To prepare a draft of the examinations that are to be held in the college, along with the dates and respective topics.

4.To designate examiners to hold tests and preliminary examinations, and determine the results.

5.To decide whether a test should be taken orally, in writing or otherwise.

6.To decide whether a supplementary examination of the knowledge and skills of a student is necessary.

7.To ensure a fair examination process and marking system.

8.To develop innovative methods for the evaluation of the students.

9.To distribute results and certificates for the degree examinations.

10.To bring any discrepancy to the notice of the Teacher-in-Charge/Principal immediately.





Prof. Subhra Bakul Karmakar – Convenor.

Prof. Avirupa Chatterjee – Convenor.

Prof. Diyali Roy  – Convenor.


Role  and  Duties  of  the  Routine  Committee 

The objective of the Routine Committee is to ensure the smooth and efficient management of academic programme throughout the semester, in order to provide the most effective academic and cultural experience to the students. The duties assigned to the Routine Committee are –

1.To prepare the class timetable at the beginning of each semester.

2.To collect the following information from the Teacher-in-Charge/Principal :

             >>Teaching load distribution (Individual faculty’s teaching load in the department).

             >>Assigning of classrooms and tutorial rooms.

             >>Class-specific requirements. (Eg. Lecture time slot, tutorial time slot, class duration etc.)

3.To prepare the Academic Calendar and get it approved from the Teacher-in-Charge/Principal.

4.If modification is required, to prepare the desired templates for the timetables /Academic Calendar and get them approved by the Teacher-in-Charge/Principal.

5.To display the class timetables on the staff and student notice boards and the college website.

6.o guide the students about rules of attendance (general), medical leave etc.

7.To assimilate and prepare the yearly schedule of the various seminars, workshops, lectures, events and programmes that are to be held by the committees and clubs and submit it to the Teacher-in-Charge/Principal.

8.To inform the Teacher-in-Charge/Principal about making alternate arrangement for lectures and practicals when a faculty is absent.




Prof. Dr. Mohammadi Tarannum - Chairman.

Prof. Dipanwita Datta Deb – Convenor.


Role  and  Duties  of  the  IQAC  Committee 

As per the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), every accredited institution should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a post-accreditation quality sustenance measure. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC will become a part of the institution’s system and work towards realisation of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of institutions. There should be a continuous effort towards promoting measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices. The IQAC Committee has been assigned the following duties –

1.To coordinate the dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education.

2.To coordinate the documentation of the various programmes / activities leading to quality improvement.

3.To coordinate in preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to be submitted to NAAC based on the quality parameters.

4.To coordinate the timely and efficient execution of the decisions of IQAC committee.

5.Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.

6.The relevance and quality of academic and research programmes.

7.Equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society.

8.Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning.

9.The credibility of evaluation procedures.

10.Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services.

11.Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.

12.To keep the college website updated and ensure that all relevant information are available.

13.To get the feedback of the students after both the Summer and Winter Semesters.

14.To coordinate with the faculty members for organizing various seminars and programmes.




Role  and  Duties  of  the  Bursar 

The Office of the Bursar is responsible for billing of student tuition accounts. This responsibility involves sending bills and making payment plans. The ultimate goal is to bring all student accounts to a "paid off" status. However, being completely a student-welfare institute, we constantly try to make sure that no student is deprived from their rightful education for financial reasons. The responsibilities involve the keeping of accurate records of tuition, fees, and other cash receipts as well as the disbursement of scholarship and loan funds. The integrity of our institution compels us to appoint only the most sincere and honest person for this post, so that no fraudulent activities arise.The duties of the Bursar include –

1.To receive and record tuition fee payments and cash receipts.

2.To collect fees.

3.To verify the account of fees collection on a regular basis.

4.To accept deposits and supplies change for all departments and agencies on campus.

5.To assist with payment options.

6.To manage the set up and maintenance of computerized accounting records.

7.To account for all cash and prepare deposits for crediting to proper bank accounts.

8.To develop and maintain sound working relationships with banks and other financial institutions in accordance with state statutes and institutional policies.

9.To ensure fiscal constraints and compliance with funding directives, compliance with applicable directives affecting student loan collections and litigation, and to ensure timely response to collections agency problems.

10.To disburse scholarship and loan funds.

11.To answer student questions concerning fees and costs of registration, both by phone and in person.

12.To supervise the maintenance of a variety of accounting records including daily cash reporting.

13.Issuing electronic bill statements.

14.To be responsible for establishing job standards for subordinate staff and effectively evaluating staff under charge.




Role  and  Duties  of  the  Editor  and  Joint-Editor  of  the  Journal

 A bona fide law journal is published every year by our institute. The key role of the journal editor is to promote scholarship in the specialist field associated with the journal, whilst also promoting the journal as the best journal to publish in. The Editor and Joint-Editor encourage new and established authors to submit original articles and set up a reliable panel of expert reviewers. The Editors are also responsible for offering feedback to reviewers when required and ensure that any feedback to authors is constructive. The duties of the Editor and Joint-Editor involves-

1.To offer expertise in their specialist area .

2.To review submitted manuscripts.

3.To advise on journal policy and scope.

4.To ensure ongoing development of the journal.

5.To identify topics  for  Special  Issues of the journal  or recommend a Conference which would promote the journal , which they might also help to  organize and/or guest edit.

6.To attract new and established authors and article submissions.

7.Should endeavor to be a leader in the specific field of practice underpinning journal content as it helps the journal development, presence and standing within the international community.

8.To make all the decisions regarding which articles to accept or reject for publication.

9.To be acquainted with the ethics of publication.


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