




Surendranath  Law  College  has  a  3,117.0238 sq.ft. campus. The  college  has  incorporated  various  modern  facilities  to  provide  high-end  teaching  experience  to  the  students. The  campus  is  wi-fi  enabled. The  highlights  of  our  infrastucture   are –


The Library is situated on the ground floor having an area of 1600 sq. ft. with a seating capacity 65 students. The College Library is the hub of learning with a rich collection of more than 5964 books, 3400  standard reference sources and other audio – visual material like videocassettes and CD ROM’s. The college Library is fully automated with Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) of Library holdings. The  Library  is  located  on  the  ground  floor  of  the  college.


E-Resource Centre 

 It is a part of Library on the ground floor. It has 3 Computers for Internet access for the staff and 9 computers for the students to pursue their academic work, along with printer facility. The college has subscription to INFLIBNET to give the students and faculty members access to e-journals.


Class Rooms 

 The classrooms are quite spacious, ventilated and well lighted. They are well furnished with furniture and fittings.



The college has a fully air conditioned, ICT enabled auditorium  with 500 seating capacity. The  area  of  the  auditorium  is  4000  sq.ft. Various programmes like seminars, talks by eminent scholars, cultural events etc., are arranged in the Hall. It  is  located  on  the  1st  floor  of  the  Science  Building.


Conference Room

 The college has an ICT enabled conference room to conduct seminars and conference by distinguished scholars and academicians. The  room  can  accommodate  20  people. The  room  is  located  on  the  ground  floor  of  the  college.


Virtual classrooms 

 The college has two virtual classrooms, complete with LCD projector, laptops, display systems, cameras, microphone and speaker system and other necessary equipments to cater to the latest learning resources and adhere to the latest teaching and learning methods. Students are encouraged to make presentations on reactionary project topics and these rooms are used for the same purpose. The  rooms  have  a  total  seating  capacity  of  130. The  rooms  are  located  on  the  4th  floor  of  the  college  building.


Moot Court Room

The college has a highly-equipped Moot Court Room in the third floor, where students are taught the nuances and intricacies of the court room scenario and undergo professional trainings. The  Moot  Court  Room  is  located  on  the  4th  floor  of  the  college  building, adjoining  the  teachers’  staff  room.


Research Cell

The college has a research cell room located in the ground floor, adjoining the library, to allow both students and staff to pursue academic research work within the college campus. The room is equipped with 12 computers. The  Research  Cell  had  subscription  to  the  AIR  and  SSC  Journals  till  the  year  2012.


Legal Aid Clinic 

 The college has a Legal Aid Clinic in the ground floor for providing free legal aid to economically-backward classes and the minority communities, giving the students and staff to gain legal experience and provide service to the communities. The Legal Aid Clinic  is conducted 2  days in a  month, i.e. on the 1st  and  3rd  Saturday of the month.



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