



First Semester to Tenth Semester Examination in Law shall ordinarily be held at the end of each Semester and shall commence at such time as the concerned authority may fix and direct to be notified.


Explanation : Odd Semester and Even semester Examinations shall be hld alternately.
Any candidate who has prosecuted a regular course of study, so far as the subjects of First Semester to Tenth Semester Examinations in Law are concerned, may be admitted to the respective examination on submission of Application in prescribed form along with prescribed fees within stipulated time. A candidate, who fails to pass or present himself for the examination, shall not be entitled to a refund of the fee.
As soon as possible after the examination the University Shall publish a list of successful candidates.
If a student after completion of a regular course of study for any one of the Law Examination does not present himself at the examination immediately after such completion or appears but fails or fails to complete the examination on account of illness or any other reason, he may appear at the immediate succeeding examination of the same standard.
End Semester Examination of each paper except the four Practical Training papers shall be of three hours duration carrying 80 marks and remaining 20 marks shall be for internal assessment.


Internal Assessment : In each paper the concerned subject teacher shall conduct class test for 20 marks. In case a subject taught by more than one teacher, the Head of the Department or Principal of the College shall allot the subject to one of them.
Viva-Voce of Practical Training – I, II and IV carrying 10 marks each, Moot Court of Practical Training – IV carrying 30 marks and Basics of Conciliation and Negotiation of Practical Training – III carrying 10 marks shall be internally assessed by the Department of College.
The Viva-Voce board for the department of Law and each Law College Shall consist of at least two members. Dates of Viva-Voce examination shall be notified by controller of Examination along with the programme of written examination.
In order to pass any semester, a candidate must obtain at least 30% marks in each paper and 40% marks in aggregate.


Back Paper Examination : If a candidate appears in all paper but fails to secure 30% marks in not more than two papers or less than 40% marks in aggregate in any semester, he will be allowed to appear in not more than two papers along with the examination of higher semester. A candidate will be allowed to appear in such examination only for two consecutive chance to pass the respective semester. However, such candidate shall be promoted to the next higher class if he fulfills the requirements of attendance of class.


Explanation : Absence in any examination for any reason shall br counted as chance.


Re-examination : Candidates may apply in the prescribed form for post Publication Re-Examination of their answer scripts in not more than two theoretical papers provided that they have secured at least 35% mark in the aggregate of the remaining papers taken together.
Candidate fails to obtain 40% marks in Practical Papers : If a candidate fails to obtain 40% marks in any of the practical papers, he will have to undergo the whole assessment process of the paper concerned.


First Class and Second Class : A candidates securing not less than 60% marks in aggregate in all the ten semester examinations taken together shall be placed in First Class and those who will secure at least 40% marks in aggregate but below60% marks shall be placed in Second Class.


Degree of B.A.LL.B. : Each candidate successful in all Semester Examination shall receive his Degree of B.A.LL.B.


Medium of Instruction : Medium of instruction in B.A.LL.B. 5-Year Course shall be English.


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